New Beginnings
All my pain and suffering this past year has at last paid off--I found out yesterday that I have a new job! I am so excited and relieved at the same time. I will be working in a new department with really great people. Plus I will no longer have to do math all day long which was beginning to become such a bore. I will be working with customers directly and be responsible for project management. Plus there will be some opportunities for travel. It is such validation that I am finally being given an opportunity to do something that I think I will really be good at. What I was doing before I could have learned and eventually became okay at, but I was never going to be passionate about it. This new job, I really think I am going to enjoy. Yeah! Plus my old department is going through a big re-organization with new teams. I had just found out I was going to be placed on a team with someone I was not looking forward to working with. And now it just doesn't matter anymore.
I have had a heck of a year with work, so this is a huge payoff afterall. I still feel like I am dreaming, but thank goodness I am not!